LAPP sørger over Ursula Ida Lapps død
LAPPs grundlægger er gået bort i en alder af 90 år
Ursula Ida Lapp *30. maj 1930 †25. april 2021
Hun var en fantastisk forretningskvinde og skabte forretningshistorie: Ursula Ida Lapp, grundlægger af LAPP, gik bort sidste søndag i en alder af 90 år. "Vores mor var sjælen i virksomheden. Vi savner hende forfærdeligt, både som en mor og som en klog rådgiver," siger Andreas Lapp, Formand for bestyrelsen i LAPP Holding AG.
Ursula Ida Lapp var iværksætter med passion og drive. Sammen med sin mand Oskar Lapp (1921-1987) grundlagde hun en virksomhed, som i dag er verdenførende inden for integrerede tilslutningsløsninger. Succeshistorien startede i slutningen af 1950erne, hvor Oskar Lapp udviklede det første rektangulære industristik og det første industrielt fremstillede styre- og kontrolkabel. Denne opfindelse revolutionerede forbindelsesteknologien i hele verden.
Dette arbejde ville ikke have været muligt uden Ursula Ida Lapp. Lapp-parret grundlagde deres virksomhed U.I. lapp KG i 1959, hvor U.I. står for Ursula Ida. I starten styrede de forretningen fra garagen ved deres hjem i Vailhingen kvarteret i Stuttgart, Tyskland. Oskar Lapp stod for salg, mens Ursula Ida Lapp tog sig af regnskab, markedsføring og deres små børn derhjemme. Hun tog ofte hen til fragtcentralen med trækvogn for at modtage kablerne, når de ankom - kabler, som det initiativrige par havde bestilt i starten - eller for at sende dem videre til deres endelige destination.
Sammen etablerede Lapp-parret det første varemærke inden for kabelverdenen: ÖLFLEX® var det rigtige produkt på det rigtige tidspunkt. Lapp-parret satte høje kvalitetsstandarder, som stadig gælder rundt om i verden i dag inden for kabelproduktion. Efterspørgslen var kollosal. I 1963 åbnede virksomheden sin første fabrik for selv at producere ÖLFLEX® kabler.
Efter Oskar Lapps død i 1987 overtog Ursula Ida Lapp ledelsen af virksomheden sammen med sine sønner Siegbert og Andreas. Virksomheden fortsatte med at øge sin tilstedeværelse på den internationale scene.
Med hovedkvarter i Stuttgart, Tyskland, er LAPP en førende leverandør af integrerede løsninger og mærkevarer inden for kabler og tilslutningsteknologi.
Politisk, socialt og kulturelt engagement stod også hendes hjerte nært. Ud over generøse donationer til foretagender i Indien og til institutioner i og omkring Stuttgart, så grundlagde hun sammen med sine sønner Oskar Lapp Foundation i 1992. Ursula Ida Lapp var også involveret i det regionale parlament i fire år. Ursula ida Lapp har vundet mange priser og hendes præstationer som forretningskvinde og hendes sociale engagement, herunder Forbundsrepublikken Tysklands fortjenstorden og handelsmedaljen i staten Baden-Württemberg.
LAPP er forblevet i kontinuerligt familieejerskab til den dag i dag. Ursula Ida Lapp efterlader sig tre sønner, hvor to af dem er aktive i virksomheden. To af grundlæggerens børnebørn arbejder også allerede i LAPP. Matthias Lapp (38) er CEO for regionen, der om fatter Europa, Sydamerika, Afrika og Mellemøsten. Alexander Lapp (36) er ansvarlig for digitalisering og e-business. "Det var vores mors største ønske: at se hendes børnebørn tage ansvar i virksomheden. Jeg er glade for at hun levede længe nok til selv at opleve det. Vi vil fortsætte virksomheden i hendes ånd," siger Formanden for LAPPs Supervisory Board, Siegbert Lapp.
Begravelsen vil finde sted med den nærmeste familie og venner.
Æret være Ursula Ida Lapps minde
Familien Lapp
Stuttgart, 27. april 2021
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Ursula Ida Lapp *30. May 1930 †25. April 2021
She was a fantastic businesswoman and made business history: Ursula Ida Lapp, founder of LAPP, died last Sunday at the age 90. "Our mother was the soul of the company. We will miss her terribly, both as a mother and as a wise advisor," says Andreas Lapp, Chairman of the Board of LAPP Holding AG.
Ursula Ida Lapp was an entrepreneur with passion and drive. Together with her husband Oskar Lapp (1921-1987), she established a company that is now the world market leader for integrated connection solutions. The success story began at the end of the 50s when Oskar Lapp developed the first rectangular connector for industry and the first industrially manufactured power and control cable. This invention revolutionised connection technology around the world.
This would not have been possible without Ursula Ida Lapp. The Lapps founded their company U.I. Lapp KG in 1959, where U.I. stands for Ursula Ida. At the beginning, business was run from their home’s garage in Stuttgart’s district of Vaihingen. Oskar Lapp did sales, while Ursula Ida Lapp took care of bookkeeping, advertising and their small children at home. She would often travel to the freight yard with her hand cart to take delivery of the cables as they came in – cables that the enterprising couple had made to order in the beginning – or to ship them on there and then.
Together, the Lapps established the first brand in the world of cables: ÖLFLEX® delivered the right product at the right time. The Lapps set quality standards that are still applicable around the world today in the field of cable production. Demand was huge. In 1963, the company opened the first factory of its own to produce ÖLFLEX® cables.
Following Oskar Lapp's death in 1987, Ursula Ida Lapp took over leadership of the company together with her sons Siegbert and Andreas. The company continued to increase its presence on the international stage.
With its headquarters in Stuttgart, Germany, LAPP is a leading supplier of integrated solutions and branded products in the field of cable and connection technology.
Political, social and cultural engagement were also always close to her heart. In addition to generous donations to establishments in India as well as institutions in and around Stuttgart, she founded the Oskar Lapp Foundation with her sons in 1992. Ursula Ida Lapp was also involved in the regional parliament for four years. Ursula Ida Lapp has won many awards for her achievements as a businesswoman and for her social engagement, including the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Business Medal of the State of Baden-Württemberg.
LAPP has remained in continuous family ownership to this day. Ursula Ida Lapp is survived by three sons, two of whom are active in the company. Two of the company founder’s grandchildren also already work at LAPP. Matthias Lapp (38) is CEO for the Europe region, including South America, Africa and the Middle East, and Alexander Lapp (36) is responsible for digitalization and e-business. "That was our mother's greatest wish: to see her grandchildren take on responsibility within the company too. I'm glad that she lived to see it come true. We will continue our company in her spirit," says Chairman of the Supervisory Board Siegbert Lapp.
The burial will be held with her closest family and friends.
In honorable memory
Your family Lapp
Stuttgart, 27 April 2021
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